Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Morgan Family Goals 2010: Finances

I will be posting a series of blogs about our various goals for 2010.
Troy and I sit down together at the beginning of the year and assess what our success for the year before was on reaching goals; decide which goals to do away with or are no longer relevant; and decide what our goals for the upcoming year will be.
These goals range from financial to spiritual to family and more. I'm going to start this post series with our Financial Goals, which may not be the most important, but are the most relevant to this blog.
Financial Goals 2010:
  • Have $5,000 in our emergency savings fund by April 2010
  • Maintain that $5,000 for the entire year
  • Begin paying off debt - starting with the Harley payment
  • Pay off the Harley entirely by the end of 2010
  • Increase our MSI (multiple streams of income) earnings by 28% by the end of the year
  • Continue paying a full 10% tithing to our church the entire year
  • Stay within a $25 a week grocery budget and a $30 a month household and personal items budget

So, where the hard part really comes in is the $25 per week grocery budget. I set our budget at $30 per week the end of last year, and it was tough staying within that. But, I think with extra diligence, meal planning, and deal finding it is certainly an attainable goal. Plus, I'm loving the challenge! :) So far, the first week of January I spent $21 and we still have a very full freezer and pantry! This week, I may be leaning it down even more because our local Smith's is having a case lot sale next week, and I want to use what I saved last week and this week to add to next week's $25 for that sale.

Stayed tuned for my post on our Health Goals


  1. Okay, so a $25 a week grocery budget?? Are you kidding?? I definately need to figure out how you do that because right now, I spend at least $100 every week on groceries! its ridiculous really. So, whats the scoop? I dont even know to begin!

  2. Yep! I know - this time last year I would have said I was crazy, too! :) I find REALLY great deals! And when I find those deals I stock up. When I first started couponing, I obviously couldn't stay under that small of a budget, but after three months or so, I had enough stock up to be able to cut back drastically. Plus I make a weekly meal plan and stick to it - that makes a HUGE difference.
